In Victoria, injured workers who have lodged a workers claim for compensation can dispute a decision that the WorkCover Agent or self-insurer has made in relation to their claim or a failure of the WorkCover Agent or Self-Insurer to respond to a request. The Workplace Injury Commission (formerly the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service) can assist injured workers in resolving a dispute with a WorkCover Agent or Self-Insurer through conciliation.
We can help you with this appeal.
Nevin Lenne Gross can lodge an application for conciliation with the Workplace Injury Commission on your behalf. To enable Nevin Lenne Gross to do this on your behalf you must contact us within 60 days of the decision made by the insurer and provide us with the following:
1. A copy of the WorkCover Agent or Self-Insurer’s decision; or
2. Request to the WorkCover Agent or Self-Insurer which they have failed to respond; or
3. WorkCover Certificates of Capacity if the insurer has failed to pay weekly payments; or
4. Invoices/receipts for medical treatment if the WorkCover Agent or Self-Insurer has failed to pay.
Nevin Lenne Gross will lodge this application on your behalf within 60 days once we have been provided with one of the above depending on the dispute. Our lawyers are unable to attend a conciliation conference at the Workplace Injury Commission, but we will ensure that you are assisted at the conference with a representative from WorkCover Assist.
If you have any queries whatsoever we would be happy to discuss this with you (at no charge for the first consultation) Contact us: