Total and Permanent Disability (or TPD), is insurance coverage provided by many Superannuation Funds. Total and Permanent Disablement cover is designed to help take the pressure off you financially if you suffer an injury or illness that leaves you totally and permanently disabled and unable to return to work. It is generally paid as a lump sum benefit to assist you to pay out debts, pay for medical expenses or fund necessary lifestyle changes.
You may be eligible to claim for a TPD benefit if you have that coverage under a Superannuation Fund. To make a claim, generally, your Superannuation Fund will provide you with the application forms and other documentation that are required. You will usually need your doctor and one other doctor to complete a form that supports you having a total and permanent disability that will need to be lodged with your application. Often, the insurance company for the Superannuation Fund may want to have you examined by a doctor that they will select. The Superannuation Trustees or the insurance fund will notify you if this is the case. Sometimes, your employer (or former employer) will also be required to complete a form and return it to the insurer or Superannuation Fund.
Total and Permanent Disablement benefits are normally paid in lump sums and the amount payable will vary depending on the terms of the insurance policy. The lump sum benefit can be worth ten or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The criteria to qualify for the Total and Permanent Disablement benefit varies between policies. There is often exclusion or eligibility clauses in the insurance policy that can be used to deny your claim. Further, obtaining Total and Permanent Disablement benefit can have implications for an injured person if they are in receipt of weekly payments of compensation under a Workers Compensation scheme or are in receipt of Centrelink benefits. You should consult a lawyer experienced in the TPD claims process to guide you through your claim.
Nevin Lenne Gross have experienced Personal Injury Lawyers that can safely guide you through the Total and Permanent Disability claims process and successfully obtain for you vital lump sum compensation.